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Online dispute resolution

The new European law (EU) no. 524/2013 offers the possibility of presenting a problem that you have experienced online as a consumer, for example a purchase that has never been paid or a problem of a fiscal or fraud nature etc. at an authorized dispute resolution body

This is the link →  Odr (Online dispute resolution)

The online platform where the consumer can settle disputes with the seller without going through a court of law

Learn more about businesses and online dispute resolution in the EU

Consumer disputes - ODR, online dispute resolution

ODR platform   governed by regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 of the Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 to resolve out of court disputes arising from contracts for the online purchase of goods and services (Online Dispute Regulation)


What are ODRs?

The European Regulation on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) - Regulation (EU) No. 524/2013 of the European Parliament of 21 May 2013 - concerns the procedures intended to resolve out of court disputes between businesses and consumers originating from contracts for goods and services stipulated online .

Together, the European Directive on  Alternative Dispute Resolution  (ADR) and Regulation (EU) no. 524/20013, constitute the ADR-ODR legislative package which, for the first time, introduces a coordinated and homogeneous set of rules: an online web platform for the whole EU and procedures for alternative dispute resolution.


How to make a claim for online contract disputes?

Consumers and businesses have a single access point consisting of the ODR platform established by regulation 524. Through ADR entities that are connected to the platform, consumers and businesses have an alternative consumer dispute resolution service available through quality ADR procedures.


What to do if you are a consumer

To resolve disputes out of court with businesses resulting from the purchase of goods and services made online or through online markets (so-called Marketplace), consumers can connect to the ODR telematic platform, managed by the European Commission, accessible at  https: // webgate / odr  ; once connected they can choose the body to contact to resolve the dispute and activate the related procedure.

The web address of the ODR platform must also be accessible from the website of the company with which the contract for the purchase of goods or services is stipulated.

For more information, contact the  consumer associations  registered on the national list.